About Our Emblem

about us


about our Emblem

The picture of Saint Shri Vrushabhendra in the heart of the emblem is our severance for his inspiration and blessings imparting quality education is his gift to our society.

Our emblem is founded on the noblest principle of Gyana, Tapassu, Seva and Tyaga. The picture of saint in the emblem represents Tapassu and Tyaga. Tapassu means work with devotion and dedication. Tyaga means Sacrifice without expecting any reward. It teaches to our students to work with devotion and dedication for society without expecting any reward.

The Book in the emblem represents knowledge i.e. Gyana. It is the light in the life of every one which takes them from darkness to brightness. The scripture at the bottom of the emblem “ Shikshanave Jeevan” speaks the importance of education in human life. Education is continuous process through which one should get Gyana i.e knowledge.