Student Services NSS



The National Service Scheme, a two year course, has been introduced since 1986. The Unit has 100 +50 Total 150 volunteers strength. This is a scheme sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resource Development(HRD) Govt. of India, which aims to involve the potential college students in Social Service Activities. There is an immense strength among the students to serve their community. N.S.S. is the proper organization that provides an opportunity to develop a sense of discipline, dedication and service. The youth, who utilize their time, talent and energy for voluntary social work, will be at a feeling of being useful to the country and will have the satisfaction of having contributed their share to the common good. N.S.S. a scheme of education through service is coming face to face with the problems of the disadvantaged section of the society to make efforts to solve their problems. It is a unique experience for the students

N S S - A Social Organization: In order to nurture a sense of their social responsibility in students, the NSS Volunteers conducted different activities. The NSS unit every year adopts surrounding villages and organizes special camps to educate the village people about use of bio-fertilizers, new methods of cultivation, literacy, health, cleanliness, and blood donation and so on.